SeeTrue Technologies

SeeTrue Technologies

AarogyaAI’s vision is to make precision diagnosis for antimicrobial resistance accessible at the point of care by harnessing the powers of genomics and artificial intelligence. The aim is to reduce the incidence and spread of antimicrobial-resistant infections and...


Cardiolyse provides a chronic and post-discharge cardiovascular disease patient monitoring platform with medical-grade AI heart health analytics (CE class 2a, 19 arrhythmias) that enables remote vital sign monitoring and personalized patient reports for early...


Efficient lowering of blood cholesterol is pivotal in reducing the risk for heart attack and stroke, the most frequent causes of death globally. Different cholesterol-lowering drugs are available, but it is difficult to find an optimal treatment strategy for each...


The biology and key role of NAD molecules in human metabolism has been well known for decades, but measuring them has been devilishly difficult. NADMED has now brought to market an accurate, fast, scalable, and well protected method to do just that. The assay enables...
Lapsi Health B.V.

Lapsi Health B.V.

Lapsi Health is developing the new generation of digital biomarkers based on auscultatory sound. The data used as a biomarker has to be quantifiable and objective and the company’s novel technology greatly enhances its usage in medicine, relating it to the...