R2therapies Oy

R2therapies Oy

R2therapies Oy has discovered a novel and scientifically surprising blood-based biomarker to identify people at risk of developing dementia. The company aims to to develop an in-vitro diagnostic method compatible with primary healthcare for dementia-risk screening....


Mediverse functions as a crucial component of the conventional healthcare system, operating as a telemedicine platform that incorporates advanced technology and intelligent biosensors. As a result, patients can receive remote medical consultations, diagnoses, and...


Efficient lowering of blood cholesterol is pivotal in reducing the risk for heart attack and stroke, the most frequent causes of death globally. Different cholesterol-lowering drugs are available, but it is difficult to find an optimal treatment strategy for each...

Probiont Oy

Probiont is developing personalized solutions for cancer immunotherapy efficacy testing. Our technology is purposed to enable rapid screening of cancer drugs used in immunotherapy, for early identification of effective treatment strategies for individual patients....